Wednesday, December 14, 2011

why people dance?

So, in this situation, I want to ask a question. Back in history, why lower classes dance TalChum and how TalChum became a popular folk dance in Korean dance history? That question can be simply answered. The reason why lower classes dance TalChum was that they wanted to criticize upper classes' unfairness and arrogant attitude towards upper classes. During 17th century, common people were suppressed by royal classes just because they were born in different way. Therefore, lower classes invented masks in order to express their angers towards higher classes. Masks played role as confidence for common people to criticize. 

         Moreover, the other reason why people danced was that TalChum was being used as ceremony purpose. For lunar new year, chusok, and Full moon day, TalChum was being practiced in order to celebrate those holidays.  
        It seems like TalChum was being used in opposite ways for common people. One for criticizing, the other for celebrating. However, there is a common theme between them is that they were both used for lower classes and those made lower classes lives more comfortable.


  1. i found that really interesting, the anonymity granted by the masks encouraged them to vent their anger openly. i just think that's cool. a suggestion add in some extra words because the way you have so many classes stacked on top of one another is a bit disconcerting.

  2. I also found your post really interesting how lower classes used the masks as a safe way to vent their frustrations. I would disagree with evhippel, as I found the post clear and well-structured in a way that piqued my interest. Thanks for such an informative post!
