Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Yanban mask

Last night, I was posted about corrupted monks during Koryo period. This time I am going to talk about different mask which considered as a one of the most famous and important mask among them.


One of the most famous masks in Korea is a Yanban mask. Most of Koreans consider Yanban mask as a most famous one, and recognize as a top choice no matter what. Yanban means loyal people during ChoSun period. Aristocrats in Chosun period abused their powers politically similar to monks. They possessed their own slaves for comfort, and even they masterminded king’s power. They made lower classes to pay more taxes; aristocrats did not treat lower classes as human beings.
Based on this background history, Yanban mask was described negatively. When they create Yanban mask, they tried to make as funny as possible so people can laugh whenever they looking at it. The separated jaw shows the true beauty of Korean masks. For appearance, the round curve indicates composure of Yanbans’ daily lives. Also, wrinkles between its cheeks and eyes symbolize smiling face. When people stare at this mask, most of them sense authority and dignity of the mask.  

Traditionally, people do not keep masks in their rooms because people consider that masks easily contain bad lucks. Therefore, they tend to burn masks, including Yanban mask after they practiced performances.  Otherwise,  lower classes wanted to express their angers towards higher classes by burning their masks.

1 comment:

  1. So basicaly burning the mask was a way for commoners to express their hatred toward Yanbans. Very interesting. Do you think that yanban mask as well as other masks that you've introduced yesterday were made to mock the higher class?
    I think the color of highlights changing in every paragraph is sort of distracting. :/ but like the speculation on mask in TalChum and its meaning. Good Job!
